Friday, December 31, 2004

Movie Marathon

I spent a day at the movies and saw The Aviator, Closer, and Meet the Fockers. A little bit about each:

The Aviator: Martin Scorsese did it again. I mean he really pulled out all the stops. Scorsese has had such a remarkable career, and I can appreciate this movie just on the level that this just might be one of his crowning achievements. I gotta warn you though, I already know what you won't like about it. The middle of the movie kind of takes left turn, but if you can make it through that than you'll be fine. B-
Ebert and Roeper - Listen

Closer: By far the best screenplay of the year. It is now battling Sideways as the best movie of the year for me. What got me was it's rawness. The movie looks at relationships so truthfully. It examines the emotions that go with breaking up in a way that I haven't seen in a long time. And plus Natalie Portman is smoking hot in it. A+
Ebert and Roeper - Listen

Meet the fockers: Funny. That's about it. It's pretty funny and you'll probably like it. The plot is awful, but the laughs keep the movie going. One thing though, somebody tripping over a piece of furniture isn't that funny. It was great the first hundred times I seen it, but the novelty wears off after seeing a guy trip over his couch for the ten-thousandth time. C+
Ebert and Roeper - Listen

Digging into Uncle Sam's pockets

We're finally getting some real pledging from Uncle Sam. The United States has increased it's pledge to $350 million. Let's just hope that we actually deliver the money this time. Read this

June 23, 2004 | Banda Aceh, Indonesia: A satellite image of the waterfront area of Aceh province's capital city before the tsunami.

December 28, 2004 | Banda Aceh, Indonesia: A satellite image of the waterfront area of Aceh province's capital city after the tsunami. Housing destroyed and a shoreline nearly wiped out.

Monday, December 27, 2004

Crisis Now, But Catastrophe Looming

Yea I know you heard that more than 20,000 people died yesterday. But that's not the worst of it, if a massive global aid effort isn't started immediately we will see the number of deaths triple.

There are hundreds of thousands that are now homeless. And millions have been displaced from their homes. Bodies are now rotting on the roadsides. Waterborne diseases and other bacterial outbreaks will only be stopped by antidote treatments delivered to the ravaged nations. Flooding will hinder the rescue workers, so more support aid will be necessary.

With all these needs and more, plus the death and destruction that has already occured, one would think that the fortunate nations of the world would jump at the chance to help. But you don't need me to tell you that the world isn't doing any jumping, it's barely getting up at all. How about some figures:

number of US deaths (FL, GA, AL, LA) due to 2004 hurricane season - 80
aid to Floridians during the 2004 hurricane season - $2 BILLION
ratio - Each American life worth $25 million

number of Caribbean deaths due to 2004 hurricane season - 1,646
Total amount of Caribbean aid - $22 million
ratio - Each Caribbean life worth $13,365

Based on aid ratio - 1 American life worth 1,870 Caribbean lives

Deaths so far due to Sunday's tsunamis - 22,000
amount of aid from the European Union - $4 million
amount of aid from the US - $0

aid ratio so far - $181 per tsunami death

We'll see how much more money those fahriners will get.

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Quick Movie Review: The Life Aquatic B-

I really liked this movie. It's really off the cuff, and just plain weird sometimes, but it's a lot of fun. Bill Murray is hilarious as oceanographer, Steve Zissou, and his supporting cast are all idiosyncratic and interesting characters.

Some critics hated this movie (like this one), and some loved it (here). For those who didn't like it, I can understand why. And those who loved it, I can also understand why. Some people thought that it was a little show-offy of Anderson, with elaborate set pieces and a look-what-I-can-do-with-the-camera style of shooting. I liked it 'cause I didn't take it too seriously, I just went on for the ride with them and ended up having as much fun as they seemed to be having on screen. B-

Rotten Tomatoes


Ebert Roeper

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Friday, December 24, 2004

She's Not That Innocent

If I hear one more guy tell me that his latest conquest was a virgin, i swear I'm gonna explode. Chicks lie to men about a lot of shit, but the virginity thing tops the charts. Whatever the reason (society, religion, etc...), broads aren't allowed to to have a lot of sex. Double standard? Yes. Unfair? Absolutely. True whether we like it or not? Correctemundo. So it's only natural that your fly little philly would have to lie about the number of booty partners she's had. Trust me, she's not that innocent.

So unless you have proof that she's a virgin on your sheets the next morning, I don't give a damn what she tells you boys, she is not a virgin.

Don't worry one day you'll find a good woman, virgin or not, that'll have your back like this one. Prank gone bad

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

What A Piece Of Ass: Jenny McCarthy

Jenny Mccarthy did another shoot with the good folks at Playboy. I was a bit skeptical at first being as though she's 32, which is a senior citizen in Playboy years. But goddam it I was wrong. She's smoking hot. And she's a funny broad too (remember Baseketball, and Scary Movie). All in all, a very nice piece of ass.

Wake Me Up When Its Over

Christmas just isn't fun anymore. It's turning into a real pain in my ass. I don't have any money, but come Chirstmas Day my whole family is going to be waiting for me to shower them with gifts that I am able to pay for with my lucrative position at Smokey Bones Sports Bar & Grill. And it doesn't help that I have six brothers and sisters. I was gonna go shopping but then I realized that if I buy gifts then I won't be able to pay for my January tuition.

And why is it so damn cold. I thought this was south Florida, home of the barbeque Christmas. No seriously, a couple of years ago we went to the beach on Christmas Eve. Now I'm freezing my nads off.

You know what else makes Christmas suck, all the fighting over what to call it. One side says we should say Merry Christmas the other side says Seasons Greetings. Enough already with the bullshit. We'll just cancel the whole thing until you kids can learn to play together. Meanwhile our boys are dying in Iraq in record numbers. But forget about that, the real fight is trying to keep Christ in Christmas.

I'm not doing anything festive this year. I am going to sit here and play some Tontie. My high score now is 76940 @ level 15 bitches.

Happy Birthday Hutter

Gotta wish a happy birthday to my boy JR. Check out his blog. He doesn't have much yet, but we'll wish him luck.

Hey Hutter, how's the iPod?

Monday, December 20, 2004

Despot of The Year

Ok, ok, I'm gonna be nice. I promised that I would be polite to the pres for at least one post.

President Bush has been selected Person of the Year by Time magazine. The annual award is given to the most influential and important person by the editors of the magazine. By those standards I can see how our president could be worthy of the title. The decisions that he has made this year have affected the lives of millions. And although many disagree with some of those decisions, no one can deny that they have had an impact.

See that wasn't so hard.

Sorry, couldn't help it.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

That's Mr. President To You

After 10 years of releasing some of hip-hop's most influential records, Jay-Z, Damon Dash and Kareem "Biggs" Burke have sold their remaining 50 percent stake of Roc-A-Fella Records to its parent label,Island Def Jam, a Def Jam spokesperson said.

The imprint was sold for $10 million, according to reports. As part of the deal, Island Def Jam will retain the entire Roc-A-Fella roster, including multiple-Grammy nominee Kanye West
Memphis Bleek and Beanie Sigel.

Jay-Z has also been named president and CEO of Def Jam Records. As part of the deal, Jay will continue to run Roc-A-Fella. There's no word yet on whether or not he will be launching his own imprint, S. Carter Records, under the Def Jam umbrella.

He's still got it yall. When ever I think of Jay I think of my boy Alaska. So let me give shout-out to the hottest male model in New York. You can check him out doing his thing here at Azzure Denim. Here let me grab one of the pics off the site.

*update- Here are some commercials that he's been in

Sleazy Eye In The Sky

Ladies before you bend over to pick up that chip dropped on the casino floor, beware. From the Associated Press:

New Jersey casino regulators fined Caesars Atlantic City Hotel Casino $80,000 Wednesday for using surveillance cameras to spy on female employees and customers sitting at casino tables or riding escalators.

On three occasions in 2000 and 2001, Caesars surveillance camera operators "recorded footage of selected parts of the anatomy of several females," in violation of statutes governing the use of clandestine surveillance by casinos, authorities said.

Tipped off by a Caesars surveillance supervisor, investigators with the state Division of Gaming Enforcement obtained videotapes from the hidden cameras.

One tape from 2000 contained 16 minutes of footage focusing on the anatomy of several females, according to Deputy Attorney General Cyrus Pitre. Another tape made the same night, from a different camera, showed 80 minutes' worth of footage focusing on women's anatomy, he said

I gotta say, there is no hope for men. We ogle. It's a fact of life. It's like an unwritten language between guys. Complete male strangers can communicate through the unifying quality of ogling. I can't tell you how many times me and the guys at the restaurant ogle. We even have a system designed to inform every male employee on location when a nice piece of ass walks through the door.

But the question is do women really object to it? I don't think so. They might not appreciate cameras looking under their blouses, but I don't think they mind guys checking them out. Isn't that the point for them? Why else do they spend so much time getting everything perfect before going out? It's to impress everyone, and hopefully get some attention.

So guys, the next time you see a hot chick, don't hesitate to appreciate her beauty, just make sure your girlfriend isn't looking.

Quick Book Review: Hegemony Or Survival A-

Just finished Noam Chomsky's newest indictment of Big Brother, Hegemony or Survival. It's a real good read, and it's not that long. Basically his point is that America's pretty hypocritical. If we do something, let's say bomb a building that we suspect is full of terrorists in another country, we say it's justified and okay. But if the same country bombed some building in Chicago and say that they suspected it was filled with terrorists, we'd probably declare war right away.

He explains it much better than I do. You should pull your self away from the computer and read it. What's that, you don't read books. No problem here's how you get the audiobook cd, so your lazy ass doesn't have to turn any pages.

More Chomsky links:
Chomsky's blog
ZNet Archive
Chomsky For Philosophers

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Quick Movie Review: Sideways A+

If you've been listening to the critics, then you know that they are cumming in their pants when they talk about the newest film from Alexander Payne, Sideways. He was wildly entertaining with About Schmidt and Election, and he's done it again. This is the movie watchers movie of the year. I know, I know, you don't always agree with the critics. But they're right this time (actually they're right most of the time, but I'll save that for another post).

One reason I liked this movie so much is because it did what movies are supposed to do. They are supposed to act as a mirror that we can use to see our own situations. We can live vicariously through the characters' experiences because we've felt what they are feeling. And critics watch enough movies to know which ones are truthfully portraying the human experience. That's why they're going crazy for this movie, it just does it so well. And it's hilarious too.


Roger Ebert

Rotten Tomatoes 97%


Reality Girls Gone Wild

What is with the Real World and Road Rules girls in that right after their given seasons are over they run to Playboy to try to squeeze a little more time out of their fifteen minutes. So far we have as confirmed whores: Trishelle, Mary-Beth, Cara, Arissa, Veronica, and Katie.

Although none of them are really that hot- Mary-Beth kind of stands out from the rest. And there's this flash stripping thing that she did with Playboy that's pretty cool.

I have pictures of most of the girls but there is one that I can't find. If anybody has pics of Cara, email them to me.

* update - found the pics of Cara
*update - Add Flora, Beth, and Jisela to the list.

Monday, December 13, 2004

Almost Done

Got a couple of exams this week. And I have a 15-minute presentation to give on foreign films of the 90's. And what's with all the take home exams. Three out of my four classes have take-home exams for the final. I'm not complaining though. It makes it real easy when you have the power of the internets helping you.

I played the coolest game last night. Have you ever heard of Trivial Pursuit DVD edition. Here let me go get a link to it. Here it is. The web page isn't that good. But the game is a lot of fun. Basically you watch a clip from a movie and answer questions about it. It's so much fun. You gotta play it sometime.

And the reason why I didn't post anything about Scott Peterson is because one, I don't care, and two, the people who are happy and cheering that he is being sent to death kind of creep me out. A member of our society will be put to death that is not joyous no matter how bad the guy is. Basically the point is, we don't want people dying, period.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Happy Weekend All

Here's a classic. Black Bush

Friday, December 10, 2004

Oh Agustina!

I gotta let you guys check this one out. The internets are a buzzing because of this one chick's ass. Everybody is linking to her picture site. Somebody mentioned it on the Howard Stern Show and now she's the hottest thing around. The sheer volume of hits will crash her website soon. I gotta admit, it is one of the nicest asses I've ever seen on a non-model. Let me know what you think.

*update - apparently her name is Dalia and she has a myspace account. Not sure if its for real.
*update - her name is Keyra and here is her profile @ Supertangas. Profile

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Rumsfeld Encounters Some Friendly Fire

From the New York Times:

On Wednesday at Camp Buehring, a staging base in Kuwait for America1n troops entering and departing Iraq, three soldiers complained about equipment shortages and prolonged tours of duty in an unusually frank exchange between the troops and their civilian boss.

One soldier, Specialist Thomas Wilson, a scout with a Tennessee National Guard unit, said his unit had been forced to dig through local landfills to find enough scrap metal to bolt on to their trucks for protection against roadside bombs in Iraq.

Another soldier from an Idaho National Guard unit asked what Mr. Rumsfeld and the Army were doing to addresses shortages and outdated equipment that reservists were taking into Iraq.

Mr. Rumsfeld responded that the Army was sending armored vehicles to Iraq as fast as it could, but growing frustrated with the complaints, he then retorted: "You go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want."

You're wrong Rummy, YOU DON'T GO TO WAR UNLESS YOU'RE READY! These officials stand up and go on and on about how special the troops are and how we should support them. And yet they don't even give the guys what they need to fight their war. It is a travesty. Our guys promise to defend us at the cost of their own lives, and all they ask is that we give them what they need to get the job done.

No, fuck you Mr. Rumsfeld.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Puppet Love

I found the scene from Team America that got the MPAA's panties in a bunch. Sorry no sound.
puppet scene

They're Coming Back!!

The stupidest and most entertaining show is coming back for another season.

Season 1 had them working on a farm. Season 2 had them living in a trailer and nude disco dancing! Now, Paris is primed, and Nicole has dropped the pounds and is looking hotter than ever, as the sexy stars of "The Simple Life" get ready to hit the road again for Season 3.

The last two seasons may have been hot, but now these high-maintenence beauties are in for a chilling change as they go east. "We know that we're staying East, like New York, and Washington and Philadelphia," Nicole told us.

January 26th, I can't wait.

Oh, and how about some gratuitous nudes of Paris and Nicole.

And how about a another poll.

Free polls from
Who's hotter/sexier/cooler?

Doesn't matter they're both coked up whores

Is The Truth Out There?

What's that, haven't heard any good conspiracy theories lately. Well don't fret my enquiring friend, you can always leave it up to the internets to dig up the truth. (editor's note: flash video goes by quick. So pay attention.)

And how's this for freaky. Six months before 9/11 an X-Files spin-off had an episode where the government tried to fly a passenger jet into the World Trade Center and blame it on muslim terrorists. Here's a clip.

Busy Working?

How 'bout a break. Here are a couple of games from Ebaum's World. The first one is a game that's supposed to test your reaction time. The numbers 1 through 15 will appear on the screen all jumbled up. And you have to click them in order as fast as you can. I think I did alright (4.723 sec). It took me about five minutes to get really fast. Let me know your best score.

The second one was funner for me. I guess because I beat the hardest level after 3 minutes of playing. The object of the game is to build up an army of naked aliens big enough to beat the other aliens. Yea, just as you thought, the good guy's skin is a light cream color and the intruders are a little darker. But anyways, click the left-mouse button as fast as you can within the five second time period that they give you. Each time you click an alien will pop up. After the five seconds is up your guys will fight by themselves. The point is to 'click' as many aliens onto the field as possible. It's hard to show you the proof that I beat superman level since my screen capture program is messing up. But trust me, I 'clicked' on to the field 54 aliens. Let me know how you do.

I'm Back Baby!

It feels as if a burden has been lifted off of me. The debate is over, and the semester is officially coming to an end. I'm even feeling the holiday spirit and everything. I was thinking of going out and buying some Christmas lights to put up around the house.

The movie is finished. I'll post it after I transfer it to my server. And I'll post my music video too. I have some pictures from Thanksgiving dinner, but you don't want to see them, they're pretty gay.

Unfortunately, the American public is taking the Christmas fairy-tale a little too seriously. According to recent Newsweek article 79% of Americans are mentally handicapped.

Seventy-nine percent of Americans believe that, as the Bible says, Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary, without a human father, according to a new NEWSWEEK poll on beliefs about Jesus.

Sixty-seven percent say they believe that the entire story of Christmas—the Virgin Birth, the angelic proclamation to the shepherds, the Star of Bethlehem and the Wise Men from the East—is historically accurate. Twenty-four percent of Americans believe the story of Christmas is a theological invention written to affirm faith in Jesus Christ, the poll shows. In general, say 55 percent of those polled, every word of the Bible is literally accurate. Thirty-eight percent do not believe that about the Bible.

Anybody who believes in any of those fairy tales needs to take their heads out of the dirt that they came from and pray that the good Lord come down from the holiest of holies and take them up to paradise. Just get the hell out of here. We don't need you morons destroying anymore life down here. All of your psycho religions (yes, all of you guys) have been the cause of the most destruction of property and human life this planet has ever witnessed.

You know what I take it back, I'm not in the Christmas mood anymore. That article just ruined it for me. THE NATIVITY IS JUST A FUCKING STORY! You've never heard fiction before? You've never heard folk-lore before? Just because it's written in a nice glossy book that says 'holy' on the cover, you throw away all ability to think and reason for yourself?!

What the hell am I doing, nobody listens to me anymore, I'll just leave it alone. Happy Christmahanukwanzkah. May God save my unbelieving soul.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Debating My Health

I'm going to be in a debate about healthcare on Tuesday. And I can't help but think that I'm doing it at the expense of my own health. I'm going crazy trying to find statistics and sources so that I don't end up sounding like a complete retard. I've been meeting with my debate partners just about everyday now for the past week. And I don't mean day meetings, I'm talking about all-nighters. When I should be at the bars spreading my seed, I'm discussing the intricasies of a national health plan; my penis will not forgive me. At this point I'd rather have this guy's job.

I'll be back to my regular posting schedule after the debate on Tuesday night.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

The Champ Falls

Jeopardy champion Ken Jennings will finally lose tonight on ABC at 7:30.

* update - Jennings lost last night.

Here's a funny answer from Jennings. Alex wasn't amused.

Mainstream Garbage

Much of the mainstream news is crap. It's like they got their heads in the sand. Most media outlets just act as propaganda tools for the government. They know it, they even admit it. The only real news source nowadays are newspapers. But if you really have to watch cable news check out the only two guys still reporting the it.

Aaron Brown and Keith Olbermann.

watch this