Aren't days off of work and school great! The other day I had nothing to do. My finals were finished (passed with flying colors I might add). And I wasn't scheduled for work. So I sat home and watched a couplebunch of movies. I saw Leaving Las Vegas, The Notebook, The Bourne Supremacy, Friday Night Lights, Cellular, Bad Santa, School of Rock, and I Robot. A marathon for real. Since there were so many, here are some
quick reviews.
Leaving Las Vegas: I wanted to see this for a few reasons. First, my mind is already in Vegas so anything that brings me there is wanted. And I've been meaning to see Nicholas Cage in this performance (he won a Best-Male Oscar for it).
It's a crazy movie. And Elizabeth Shue is hot, at least when she's not getting beat up. B-
The Notebook: Every chick is crazy about this flick. I just wanted to see what all the hype was about. It's actually pretty good. Not the greatest love story ever told, but if your girlfriend begs you to watch it don't be afraid, it's not all that bad. Just tell them after the movie, "I would do what Noah did, for you." Guaranteed booty son! B+
The Bourne Supremacy: I took so long to watch this because I hated the Bourne Identity. I thought the concept was great, but thought the movie-makers fucked it up big-time. For the sequel a new director was brought in, and I'm glad he did. It was edgier, funner, and more exciting than the first. Jason Bourne's a bad ass and Matt Damon does it right. One thing though, explosions and chase scenes can't hold my attention for an hour and a half. And twisting and turning plots that have no rhyme or reason don't help either. Still fun though. C+
Friday Night Lights: Not that good. The star player gets injured early on, and the movie skews off a bit, then tries to come back at the end. C-
Cellular: Probably the dumbest movie of the bunch. Maybe the dumbest movie I've seen this year. D-
Bad Santa: Very vulgar, crude, sleazy. And godddamn great. What a funny movie. Everyone's comedy is on the ball here: Billy Bob Thornton, Bernie Mac, the midget, and John Ritter. All hilarious. And the movie has a heart underneath the foul language exterior. B+
School of Rock: I doubted if Jack Black could carry a movie. And everyone's that seen this flick knows he can. The guy doesn't need great jokes or clever setups to make us laugh, he just "is" funny.
One thing though, can we stop the good guys not winning at the end. It's gettin a little old. I know its blowback from years of seeing the good guys win, but it's necessary. B-
I, Robot: Will Smith is a star and can carry a movie. Even one with a goofy plot like servant robots coming together and attacking their masters.
One more rant. Hey hollywood screenwriters here's an fyi: The world is not gonna change that much in 20 years. Sure we'll have new technologies and different styles, but it's gonna look pretty much like what it looks like now. Please get past 1954 when we thought there would be flying cars by the year 2000. It's 2005 and I still have a busted towncar with no a/c. Go figure. C+