Friday night, Junior invited me to his pad for a b-day jam. It's not actually 'his' pad, the parents were away for the weekend (yes, very high-schoolesque). I was more unsure about it than Ludacris at a country bar. I called Pablo up and we headed out there.
I was expecting testosterone overkill. A couple of guys sittin on a couch. Maybe a few playing Xbox in the other room. You know, some gay-ass, homosexual bullshit. I was gonna say hi, do some PR, and dip out as soon as no one was looking.
So we pull up and have to park about four houses down because there so many cars around his house. I hear the salsa music from the front lawn. We walk in and the party is jumping off and out and all over the place. Latinos everywhere. And surprisingly about half of them are chicks. And most of them were cuties. I had to get my game-face on. We found our way to the bar (read: the kitchen table) loaded with empty bottles of good liquor and half-full bottles of some questionable shit. It was like 'Jose's Loco Vodka' or something. A real buzzkill until I looked towards the back of the kitchen where a pot of gold, or should I say, keg of gold was sitting silently waiting for me to approach her. She was the most beautiful creature there. No one was getting any beer, so I asked if she was dry already. I got no answer. In fact, I don't think they even knew what it was exactly (I know, veird). Maybe if there was a Corona sticker on the side it would've been different. Alas, she was as wet as Kelly Clarkson's ass at the VMA's. Let the partying officially begin!
After a keg stand, the social lubricant began doing its work. I met a few cuties and did some PR with Junior and his brothers. Everyone was dancing so you know I had to show them how Knight7 works it. Junior came out to the dance floor too. Someone started to chant 'Go junior, go Junior.' And oddly enough, it sounded a lot like him. We realized it WAS him! We were thinking 'who starts their own chant?' I thought it was something your friends did to cheer you on. And he was really getting into it 'Come on yall, go Junior, go Junior.'
And all this while a guy was playing what I think was a musical instrument. It kinda looked like a round cheese grater. And he had what looked like a fork in his hand. I think that's what they played with when Spanish music was first invented back in the 1400's. Spanish people really stick to their roots. I wanted to go outside and get some branches that I could hit together to join the band.
All in all, it was a great success. A multi-cultural partying experience. And a history lesson! All for free. You can't beat that with a bat. Or a branch.
Monday, September 26, 2005
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Pablo's Birthday Bash
It was a cool night. We had a good time. The music was bumpin, the chicks were dancing, the drinks were flowing- well... not exactly. Our retarded waittress was too busy gettin wasted to get us our drinks. It's all right, we let her know how we felt when it came time to tip. ;)
The Real World was even out there. Apparently they were evacuated from their filming location: Key West cause of the hurricane. It was pretty weird to see them filming around our hood. I realized that it would almost be impossible for a guy on that show not to get ass. Every chick in the building was staring at the dudes. They could've been lepers and chicks would've just convinced themselves that they were just freckles.
The night ended the perfect way- a fresco melt from Steak & Shake. So here's to many more happy birthdays and happy endings. ;)

(More pics at Danielle's Photobucket)
V-Ball Day 2.0!
[Random Jose Line]
Ashley: God, I'm geting drunk.
Jose: So...
Ashley: Well, I work with you guys!
Jose: Really!? Oh shit dude. I think I'm trippin man.
Camilio came through with the grub. He was slaving over the grill the whole day. Big-ups yourself. The chicken kabobs went off like gangbusters. Much better than last time when chef JR cooked up some questionable hamburgers from the mystery meat market. Everyone loved the Jello shots. Well... not exactly. Jello shots are an odd party item. They're cool by design. The idea of having Jello shots is usually better than actually swallowing one. Thats probably why half of them ended up on the floor.
And speaking of having fun. Someone had the bright idea of bringing some nerf-type footballs that can be drenched in water. It was funny at first. But after a while it was a fucking war zone. All the chicks moved out of the way while the guys stayed and tried to take each others' heads off. And you know I couldn't have the girls leave, so I had to can that one. Next someone brought out some little water guns. They filled them with every liquid in the area. Pool water, beer, apple juice, rancid liquor, and who knows what else. It was fun at first, but again, it got way out of hand. You couldn't go anywhere without being ambushed from a thousand different directions. Half the time I didn't even know who was squirting me. I had to can that one too. I got to thinking, is there anything that can be introduced to this party that won't get out of hand? I wanted to bring out a crochet set, but then imagined the guys eventually trying to stab each other in the neck with the needles.
The after party (yeah, we don't know how to stop) at Krissy's was jumping out too. She hooked it up with the pony keg. which lasted about 30 minutes so that was cool.
Camilio hooked it up with the birthday cake. Pablo was happy, so it was a great success. I'm pretty sure everyone had a good time. All in all, I was happy with the turn out. Now, I'm wondering how to top this one. I know! No freakin water guns!
Most obnoxious drunk: Jose. There really is no slight buzz with him. It's either sober or running around screaming racial and sexist epithets.
Hottest body: Heather. That flower bikini fit them curves just right. Nuff said.
Most embarassing drunken moment: Lola spraining her ankle. She was running around being a goof and fell down. Sam tried to pick her up. She jumped up and apparently forgot how to plant her two feet on the ground and busted her ass.
Best body on the V-Ball court: Mike B. The guy must've been keeping up on his crunches. (I'm sure he got some sexy-time with abs like that)
Most annoying couple: JR and Lola. If I hear them fight over something stupid again, I'm gonna hemorrhage. Lola, "Where are you going?" JR"What does it matter?" Lola" Why do have to be like that?" JR"Why do YOU have to be like that?" Somebody shoot me, please.
Most improved: Danielle and Krissy. I guess Vegas exposure did them well. They were looking hot, and surprisingly friendly. It was good to see momma mingling with the common folk. I think she even played some V-Ball. No counter dancing though :( And good looking out ladies with the after-party. Nice bed too.
(editor's note: Turns out the girls got a full keg too. No ponies here.)
(more pics at Danielle's Photobucket)
Friday, September 16, 2005
Racist Mofoes Get It Crash DVD Review A-
As with 'Collateral', Crash captures the vibe of Los Angeles. The characters seemed so true. The script by 'Million Dollar Baby's Paul Haggis, brought each character to life. Their lives intertwine and come together with ironical twists and heart-breaking judgements. I loved it. You won't be disappointed. Easily one of the top ten of the year so far.A-
Some Reviews
The New Yorker
Entertainment Weekly
LA Weekly
Thursday, September 08, 2005
1-0 Baby!
We got there in pretty good time. We hung out with some tailgaters. Checked out some of the university bunnies (FSU chock-full of them, *wink wink* MeanGirl582). I even got to do the 'Sink A Hurricane' contest. Where you throw balls at a target and try to sink a guy with a Hurricanes jersey on. I sunk him- after spending like ten bucks of course.
The game was off the hook. Miami was offensively better, but our defense kept them at bay. It went down to the final minutes. Miami got down to the 2 yard-line. They went for a field-goal, but fumbled the ball and couldn't kick. The stadium erupted. I flipped the fuck out. Me Julie is prob the only person that has seen me lose my mind when happy. I was screaming like a madman. I even turned to this cute girl that was sitting by us and gave her the biggest hug. Her boyfriend didn't appreciate it though. I went to give him a high five; I thought he was gonna punch me in the face.
Too bad we couldn't stay for the after-parties- my bro had to work in the morning. I was in such a good mood; I would've probably made an FSU chick very happy that night. Oh well, we got FSU-UF at the end of the season. I never banged a gator before...
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