Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Hey Look Who It Is

Friday, May 22, 2009
Ignorance Is Bliss
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Bless Us. Or Else...
Obama wore a flag pin over his tux at his inaugural ball. It seemed so out of place. He's a stylish guy, I don't think he wore because he wanted to. Some aide probably advised him that it would be best. Was it like that for George Bush? I don't remember for sure, but I don't think he had to prove how much he loved America every minute of the day.
I would just say "Thanks for having me, have a good night. Pack up your shit, and make your way to the nearest exit. And God bless my patience for having to deal with you retards."
Monday, May 18, 2009
You Watch That Show? Why?
It's kind of a continuation of my growing appreciation for fiction. You ever heard someone say, real condescendingly, something like "I don't read fiction. I'm more of a non-fiction type person. There's so much to learn about the world; why should I waste time reading made up stories." I know about it because that's what I used to think.
We say that about books, but we'd never say the same thing about tv or movies. There are many stories that we've heard that have taught us more about life than any textbook or instructional manual. No one can say that the Godfather didn't reveal truths about human nature. Or that Shawshank Redemption can't teach a lot about life. These are vastly made up, fictional, make-believe stories, that absolutely tell nothing but the hard truth. I have found great value in fiction lately.
Grey's Anatomy is largely a fictional world. But the tendencies of human nature are intact. And when the show really does it well, they end up revealing more about true life than the best documentaries I've ever seen.
Okay so they lay it on real thick sometimes. And it does get way too syrupy sometimes. And yes, the Izzy Stephens character has the weakest story lines and makes the show very hard to enjoy sometimes. I know, I know, it can be real corny sometimes. But I think the occasional corniness is well worth sitting through because of when they do it right. When they line up the stories, the images, the music, and the characters together perfectly, the show is unlike any other that I've ever seen.
I've had an experience with that show that I've never had with any other. The particular show had some theme: guilt, forgiveness, or something like that. They set it up nicely. They started driving the point really well. They flipped it around and looked at it from a few different angles. Then they drove it some more. And at one point, I couldn't believe that i was watching something that good. My eyes and ears couldn't believe that a tv show could talk about a certain subject so well.
I never really care about the shows I watch. They're just shows to me. But I have spent many nights thinking some questions that were brought up in Grey's. You can't just watch it and turn away and forget about it. There are questions that the show asks you that you sometimes don't have the answer to. It forced me to think many times about what I really believe about the way things should be. I appreciate the show for that. It has challenged me to think about some serious shit. What other show does that? Seriously think about what show forces anyone to maybe rethink their reality on a weekly basis? I can't think of any other, and until then I'll keep enjoying my show.
Mrs. Officer
I've had an unusual amount of run-ins with cops lately. None of them hot.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Are You Worth It?
One thing researchers have noticed is that the most attractive people are the ones that expect good things from life. Maybe those "Secret" people were on to something. When you approach someone, they will usually take cues from you as to how to behave. People have a keen sense when it comes telling if someone likes themselves or not.
The old dating advice, "Just be yourself," isn't good enough. If you're just some shlub living in his mom's basement playing Warcraft all day, don't be yourself. Be your best self. We all have an image of ourselves in top form. Maybe it's an experience we had where we were the in the zone, fully confident, and at our peak. Too bad it doesn't stay that way. It seems hard to conjure up that moment again. Cause if we could, we'd be "the man" every single day.
There may not be a magic mojo pill yet, but we can start by appreciating ourselves. We can start by treating ourselves better. To stop with the negative thought loops and start believing in ourselves. Most of us aren't as bad as we think.
I went out and had great night in terms of meeting new women. Funny thing is, the only thing different I did before I left the house was making a determination to be nicer to myself. I didn't compare myself to anyone. If I said the wrong thing, I didn't say to myself "that was stupid." I told myself it's okay. I gave myself a lot leeway to just enjoy myself and let things go good or bad.
Be nice to yourself today. You deserve it. Go out. Have fun. Laugh at those that are consumed with anger. By following these steps you are giving yourself permission to be the happy, confident, sexy person you know you can be.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
The Rules Rule
Countries can't grow without the rule of law. I'm glad Haiti's new prime minister seems to get that. PM Michele Pierre-Louis, who was elected last September, has repeatedly mentioned that the rule-of-law and the attraction of investment are the main things that Haiti needs to turn around.
A free-market leader in Haiti? Could you imagine how great that would be. I'm excited for her. I hope she cleans the government up.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Stay Hungry
Here' a good link to a talk Tony Robbins did. It's a story about Sylvester Stallone's drive to get what he wanted. Real inspirational. I have to stay hungry no matter what. I'll admit, I sometimes let the easy nature of South Florida affect my drive. I'm not sure about everyone else, but I don't feel like anyone is really chasing anything around here. Everyone's "chillin." We're chillin our way to mediocrity. Maybe a change of venue is necessary.
Friday, May 01, 2009
The President Flickrs
And seeing him in the office with all the pomp and circumstance is inspiration to keep working to get a piece of the glamour pie too.
(click images to enlarge)
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