Then Ron Artest and Stephen Jackson beat up fans on Friday Night Fights.

Then on Saturday those country boys from South Carolina and Clemson brawled.

Are blacks really the dangerous people that they claim not to be? Maybe. If you listen to mainstream (and independent) black music you will hear over and over the need to beat someone's ass when one is disrespected. Ludacris' new song touts in the chorus:
Yeek yeek woop woop!! why you all in my ear?!
Talking a whole bunch of shit
That I ain't trying to hear!
Get back muhfucker! You don't know me like that!
(Get back muhfucker!! You don't know me like that!!)
Yeek yeek woop woop!! I ain't playing around!
Make one false move I'll take ya down
Get back muhfucker! You don't know me like that!
(Get back muhfucker!! You don't know me like that!!)
If you pump this message into people's heads it will have an affect. Of course it won't be that
direct; only the naive and partially insane will hear a song like that and go out and punch
someone's lights out. But what these songs do is create a stream of conciousness. It creates a
climate over time. I'm not saying that the problem is getting worse and that the events at the
Piston's game are the result; it's worse than that. I'm saying that the don't-fuck-with-me-or-else
mentality has been at a dangerous level for a long time now. It's just that the mainstream only
gets a glimpse at it every once in a while. Blacks have been bamboozled for some time now.
Better clutch your purses.
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