Monday, November 27, 2006

Quick Movie Review: Casino Royale

img341/3441/casinoroyaleposterbig21mn2.jpg You can tell from the start that this Bond is different from the rest. He kicks some guy's ass in a bathroom, then drowns him in the sink. At the same time we see him kill off another guy in the smoother, classy-silencer style. When asked if he would like his martini shaken or stirred he snapped back, "Do I look like I give a damn." He didn't seem to give a damn about anything. It was cool to see that side of Bond.

He goes on to action sequence after action sequence. I want to look up how much this movie costed exactly. Buildings crumbling, indoor floods, car chases, construction site chases. They really squeezed a lot of stuff into the pic. And I swear I've never seen anyone run so much. I think they officially brought back the foot chase. And what was up with the first guy he chased!? A human monkey is the only way to describe it. That guy did enough acrobatics to make Jet Li and Jackie Chan embarrassed.

The love interest played by the gorgeous French actress, Eva Green, was nice. She's hot and she had the wit going for her. Her make-up looks ridiculous at first, but just wait for the scene where she's getting ready for the poker game. She has no makeup and looks hot as hell.

The plot got a little too complicated for the kind of movie that it was. And you could've easily took a half-hour out of it and would've never noticed. I was really into it so I didn't mind the time, but I could see how it could be an issue for some ADD people.

Casino Royale introduced the new Bond as we see him acheive his double-o status. I can't wait for the next one. A

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