I first saw Georgina Bloomberg on the documentary, Born Rich. I thought how cool would it be to chat with her and maybe even romance her Cavalli pants off.
Then I saw her featured in an equestrian magazine. She talked about how she started a charity to help people get riding gear. She seemed like a cool person. Damn I have to meet her. How cool would it be to jet-set with her around the world flying to different events. But those are just pipe dreams, right?
I thought I saw her at the Player's Club last night. I asked a journalist that was standing with us who it was. She confirmed that it was indeed Georgina.
At that point I knew I had to talk to her. There was no way I was going to leave that place and throw away a once-in-a-lifetime chance to meet someone that I half-fantasized about. She was talking to some guy, so I didn't rush in. My buddy thought I was about to chicken out because of nerves. He was right about the nerves, but they weren't about to stop me at that point.
The guy walked away and a girlfriend approached her. I knew it was time. I dove in like Michael Phelps. I said hi, and started talking about the charity. Tractor-beam, sucked me right in. I was nervous, but I was so happy to be doing it. This was someone that I daydreamed about talking to. It felt great to know that I went for it.
Her friend left us to talk alone after she saw that I wasn't a creep.
She put her drink down and we started chatting. It was for me to talk to her. I tried not too be in my head too much. But I found myself thinking that I should look away so I don't get into a staring contest with her. But when I looked away, it felt like I wasn't paying attention. So my brain was turning a bit.
The conversation started to dry up a bit. She shifted into nice interview mode, and I knew the conversation was about over. We said our goodbyes. Then she walked out the door and out my life forever.
After talking to her, I had no problem approaching the other chicas in the club. They all seemed like small change compared to the girl that's worth $11.5 billion.
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