Silent Power - I dont remember who recommended this book, but they said its really good. Its about not talking as much and getting more from just being silent and observant. I was into it until it started getting all metaphysical, and spiritual. The says that you have to feel people's energy field and communicate with their minds without talking. Yeah, really weird. D
Talking The Winners Way - This one is really good. The lady just gives small tips to use when talking to people. I realized that I'm a real bad communicator when talking to people. Its helped me a lot. And its not even big things either. Stuff like looking at people when you talk to them. And some more complicated techniques like "the flooding smile." Hard to explain. Good shit. A-
What Makes A Man - I just started reading this one. I got it cause in a world of alpha-male machismo, i need to plug myself into reality and figure out what
really makes a man. Should be good. grade pending
The Low Down On Going Down - Cause you can never know enough about pleasuring a woman.
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