Yes I'm an Idol freak. Well, not a freak. Unless staying up 'til midnight to get an oppurtunity to vote for my favorite performer. The latest to go was Scott Savol. He really sucked. Absolutely awful. But he had fans. And he had a website dedicated to voting for the worst performer (here). Carrie's a star. She should win. But if she doesn't, Vonzell would make me happy. And even if Carrie doesn't win, she will still be a popular recording artist. She's bigger than American Idol. I'd buy her shit. I'd fuck her too, but thats beyond the point.

Easily the best scripted show on television. Be sure to watch it tonight. 2-hour episode! Very nice.

This show started a couple of weeks ago. It started off slow, but it picked up recently. I just love Steve Carrell. What a funny guy. He was hilarious in Anchorman. and was great when he was on The Daily Show. The show is an American version of the British series of the same name. The brains behind the British original, Ricky Gervais, is behind this project too. I liked the original more than this version, but maybe it'll get better.

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