Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Mel Cries For Help

Mad Mel got out on $5,000 and made use of his free time by checking into rehab. And about 'alleged' anti-semitic remarks; in a public apology released Monday, the red-faced thespian said,
"There is no excuse, nor should there be any tolerance, for anyone who thinks or expresses any kind of Anti-Semitic remark. I want to apologize specifically to everyone in the Jewish community for the vitriolic and harmful words that I said to a law enforcement officer the night I was arrested on a DUI charge."
But what about the female officer at the jail that he harassed? He shouted to her, "What are you looking at sugar tits?" Well, sugar tits, we here at FTOA apologize on behalf of the Mel. Whether your tits are sugary or not, they do not deserve to be heckled by the guy who thought Jim Caviezel would make a good Jesus.

courtesy of TMZ.com

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