Monday, December 27, 2004

Crisis Now, But Catastrophe Looming

Yea I know you heard that more than 20,000 people died yesterday. But that's not the worst of it, if a massive global aid effort isn't started immediately we will see the number of deaths triple.

There are hundreds of thousands that are now homeless. And millions have been displaced from their homes. Bodies are now rotting on the roadsides. Waterborne diseases and other bacterial outbreaks will only be stopped by antidote treatments delivered to the ravaged nations. Flooding will hinder the rescue workers, so more support aid will be necessary.

With all these needs and more, plus the death and destruction that has already occured, one would think that the fortunate nations of the world would jump at the chance to help. But you don't need me to tell you that the world isn't doing any jumping, it's barely getting up at all. How about some figures:

number of US deaths (FL, GA, AL, LA) due to 2004 hurricane season - 80
aid to Floridians during the 2004 hurricane season - $2 BILLION
ratio - Each American life worth $25 million

number of Caribbean deaths due to 2004 hurricane season - 1,646
Total amount of Caribbean aid - $22 million
ratio - Each Caribbean life worth $13,365

Based on aid ratio - 1 American life worth 1,870 Caribbean lives

Deaths so far due to Sunday's tsunamis - 22,000
amount of aid from the European Union - $4 million
amount of aid from the US - $0

aid ratio so far - $181 per tsunami death

We'll see how much more money those fahriners will get.

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